Emergency Communications
A review of the fire alarm and communication system accounts for 10% for the total classification. The review focuses on the Community's Facilities and Support for Emergency Reporting; Telecommunicators; and Dispatch Circuits. Folsom received a score of 7.70 out of 10 points possible in this section.
Fire Department
A review of the fire department's first-alarm response and initial-attack to minimize potential loss accounts for 50% for the total classification. The review focuses on Engine Companies, Reserve Pumpers, and Pumper Capacity; Ladder/Service Companies and Reserve Ladder/Service Trucks; Deployment Analysis; Company Personnel; Training; and Operational Considerations. Ensuring that a sufficient amount of personnel are on duty, sufficient apparatus are available to respond, and appropriate fire station locations are important for this part of the scoring. Folsom received a score of 39.82 out of 50 points possible in this section.
Water Supply
A review of the water supply system accounts for 40% for the total classification. The review focuses on Supply System; Hydrant Size, Type, and Installation; and Inspection Frequency and Flow Testing of Fire Hydrants. The survey focuses on whether the community has sufficient water supply for fire suppression beyond daily maximum consumption. ISO surveys all components of the water supply system including pumps, storage, and filtration. Fire flow tests are observed at representative locations in the community to determine the rate of flow the water mains provide. They also count the distribution of fire hydrants no more than 1,000 feet from representative locations. Folsom received a score of34.88 out of 40 points possible in this section.
Additionally, the overall survey score was reduced by 1.51 points to account for one of their factors divergence. The reduction is based on having an inadequate water supply and/or the lack of equipment or personnel to use the water.
Community Risk Reduction is a new category within the survey and its score is added to the overall 100 points possible score. This section includes Fire Prevention and Code Enforcement; Public Fire Safety Education, and Fire Investigation Programs. Folsom received a score of 4.13 out of 5.50 points possible.
Overall, Folsom received 85.02 points out of 105.50 points possible and improved its ISO rating from Class 3/9 to Class 2/2X.