These reports present the results of the end of each fiscal year actuarial valuation of the Pension Plan for employees.
PERS Miscellaneous Actuarial Reports
These reports present the results of the end of each fiscal year actuarial valuation of the Pension Plan for Miscellaneous Employees of the city. The actuarial valuation was prepared by the California Public Employees' Retirement System using data as of the close of each fiscal year. The purpose of the report is to set forth the assets and accrued liabilities of this plan and determine the required employer contribution rate for each upcoming fiscal year.
PERS Safety Actuarial Reports
These reports present the results of the end of each fiscal year actuarial valuation of the Pension Plan for Safety Employees of the City of Folsom. The actuarial valuation was prepared by the California Public Employees' Retirement System using data as of the close of each fiscal year. The purpose of the report is to set forth the assets and accrued liabilities of this plan and determine the required employer contribution rate for each upcoming fiscal year.
Actuarial Retiree Health Liability Reports
The Actuarial Retiree Health Liability Report provides information to enable the City of Folsom to manage the costs and liabilities associated with its retiree health benefits and to provide information to enable the city to communicate the financial implications of retiree health benefits to internal financial staff, the city council, employee groups, and other affected parties to provide information needed to comply with Governmental Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards 75 related to "other postemployment benefits."