Folsom, CA
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Request a Vacation Check
The Citizens Assisting Public Safety (CAPS) offer free Vacation Checks to residents living within the city limits of Folsom.
- Use the form below to request a Vacation Check.
- Please provide at least 72 hours advance notice before the first day of the requested Vacation Check. Failure to do so may result in a delay in the start of the requested Vacation Check.
- Vacation Checks are limited to 30 days in duration.
- Vacation Checks may only be conducted on a residential property where no one will be home during the property owner's absence. Vacation Checks may not be conducted on residential properties for sale, including those under contract.
- Vacation Checks do not take the place of good security measures. Please ensure that all doors and windows to your home are locked and secure before leaving and that someone is available to collect mail, newspapers, or packages that may be delivered in your absence or move garbage containers if left out for collection.
Additional Information
For questions regarding CAPS Vacation Checks, please call 916-461-6516 or email us.