Folsom, CA
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Goal A: Financial Stability and Sustainability
Support fiscal health through long-term planning, cost control, heightened efficiency, increased revenue, and cost recovery.
Success Indicators for Goal A:
Strategy | FY 2022-23 FY 2023-24 FY 2024-25 |
FY 2025-26 FY 2026-27 |
Lead Department |
Status |
1. Evaluate current policies for cost recovery and actual revenue received and modify as needed to implement increased cost recovery. | x | Finance | In progress | |
2. Identify and prioritize services needed, and determine the costs of those services, to meet current and increased population. | x | City Manager | Ongoing | |
3. Assess the procurement process for contracts to streamline processes, identify inefficiencies, and achieve cost savings. | x | Environmental & Water Resources | In progress | |
4. Prepare and implement updated financial policies that incorporate a minimum emergency reserve and policy for use of any surplus funds at year-end. | x | Finance | In progress | |
5. Create a long-term funding plan that includes a fund-balance policy for deferred and ongoing infrastructure needs including asset replacement (e.g., drainage, parks, vehicle replacement, city facilities, technology, and other). | x | Finance | In progress | |
6. Develop new funding sources and strategies to build new facilities or expand and enhance existing facilities to meet the demands of a growing population. | x | City Manager | Research and analysis | |
7. Develop additional revenue sources for consideration to provide sufficient revenues to deliver services to the community. | x | City Manager | Research and analysis | |
8. Quantify the costs and resources assigned to carry out major special events to ascertain any potential changes needed and determine the economic impacts of such events. | x | Parks & Recreation | Planned | |
9. Update the Public Facilities Financing Plan for the Folsom Plan Area. | x | Planned |